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October 03, 2012


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Billie, you took the thoughts right out of my head. What an astute observation - that job seekers, much like 'The Voice' contestants have to do all of these things (and more) to get the 'gig' they dream about.

I'll focus in on the point you made about being prepared. Many of us know that in order to be an 'overnight' success it takes years of preparation. Contestants and job seekers alike work diligently to do the work that prepares them for the moment there is an opportunity.

That, and most importantly, they SHOW UP!

It would be so easy for contestants to stay at home, never knowing the answer to 'what if. Where these contestants stand out, is that they did the work, and they showed up - AND they make the effort to demonstrate all the work they'd done. Bravo!

Great post. As always, I loved it! :)


Maureen, I always appreciate your comments...they are so thoughtful and insightful. Yes, preparation and "showing up" -- key ingredients in the process of looking for a new opportunity. Thanks so much for your thoughts.

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